Thanks for joining me as I continue my series on the 5 Step Productive Environment Process. With Conquer the Chaos, I use this process most often for organization or productivity projects. However, it can be used for any professional or personal goal you’d like to accomplish - big or small.
Over the last two months, I’ve led you through steps one and two. We started with Step 1: State Your Vision, which covers brainstorming your ideal situation and success. From there, we moved onto Step 2: Identify Your Obstacles. Here, I shared the importance of taking a good, hard look at what is preventing you from success or what has done so in the past.
Now that you know where you want to be and what is potentially stopping you from getting there, it’s time to flip the script. It’s time to ask yourself what resources you DO have to accomplish your goals. Today, we’re moving onto Step 3: Commit Your Resources.
Identifying Your Resources
When it comes to resources, what do you think of first? For many, their first thought is financials. However, resources can mean much more than that. Most of my clients have resources that they don’t even realize are resources, and identifying and committing these can bring you one step closer to meeting that vision you outlined in step one.
Time and People
Time is the number one obstacle I hear when someone is analyzing why they can’t reach a goal, but it’s also an area that can be easily turned into a resource. Take an honest look at your time. Can you clear time on your calendar or eliminate some of the “fluff?” Can you trade services with a friend or colleague to carve out a pocket of time for a project you want to focus on?
The people who can help you can serve as a resource as well. For every goal, vision, and project, there is a person trained in that area. But professionals aren’t the only “people” resource we can utilize. Perhaps you have a friend who is naturally organized or who loves deleting digital clutter. Maybe your co-worker is skilled in something you’re trying to do. In fact, I bet you can find someone willing to trade their services or skills for yours!
Supplies and a Budget
If a goal you’re trying to reach requires that you have the right tools to complete it, identify what supplies you’ll need to do so. For example, in office organizing projects, I first look with clients at the supplies they already have. This includes their space, computer programs, and any built-in support that is not yet being fully utilized.
You’d be amazed how many supplies and resources you may have without even being aware of it! If you’re trying to complete an organizing project and you have extra bins, storage containers, or desk supplies, it’s helpful to create an area where you can “shop” in the future instead of purchasing duplicates.
If new supplies or professional assistance are needed, decide on a budget and commit that money as a resource. I’ve had clients who have made use of all their existing materials and I’ve had clients who have committed money toward their renovations. There is no right or wrong way to do so, but you must decide ahead of time the amount that you will commit to your project.
What resources will you commit?
Think through the goal you identified when you stated your vision. Now that you’ve gone through the obstacles that could hold you back, it’s time to identify the resources that you’ll need. Once you do so, commit those. I can’t wait to see all that’s in store for you as I share next month’s blog on Step 4: Create and Execute Your Plan.
One way to commit your resources is by getting in touch today to learn more about what I do and to schedule a free consultation.
Until next time,
Kerry Thomas
Conquer the Chaos