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Listen Up! Creating Spaces for Auditory Learners

Updated: Aug 21, 2019

This is the second in a three part series on creating spaces in your home or office based on your learning style. If you read the first blog in this series, what types of things did you learn and implement? Taking time to reflect back on these areas of growth is key to propelling you forward into new territory. If you don’t yet know your learning style, it’s not too late. Start by taking this quiz.

Your Learning Style

Our learning style has everything to do with the spaces we create. Our learning style impacts how we explore new ideas, grasp new concepts, and obtain new information. It also impacts our productivity and how we relate to our work (home or office) environment.

Today is for the Auditory learners!

If you’re an Auditory learner, you might love background music but get distracted by outside noises in the surrounding environment. You may do best when studying or working in groups. You might even be known for talking to yourself! You may struggle with written directions. Auditory learners typically are more outgoing and have the ability to memorize things sequentially. do you go about creating a space conducive for Auditory learning?

Let’s dive in!

  • Make Lists and Read Them Out Loud: Keep a notepad nearby on your desk, or utilize your phone, and go through your current notes each day. Reading your lists out loud and then summarizing and recording what you need to remember will keep you on track. When organizing an office or setting up systems, say the steps out loud or to a friend/coworker to better retain the information.

  • Use a Timer: If you find yourself getting easily distracted, utilize a timer to keep you on track. The Pomodoro method is excellent. Another good way for Auditory learners to do this is by measuring time by songs. For example, listen to three songs while you’re decluttering, two songs while responding to an inquiry, etc. Once the time has passed through music length, it’s time to move onto the next thing. There are exceptions to this for those with ADD, so as always, do what works for YOU. (And please feel free to reach out with any questions.)

  • Set Reminders on Your Phone: Productivity and cell phones is a tricky topic, but there are some effective ways to utilize the tools on your phone. Set reminders on your phone if you need to remember tasks. Hearing that “ding” when it’s time to act can help keep you on track throughout your day. That being said, eliminate all unnecessary alerts on your phone and computer.

  • Make Phone Calls: If you find that you do better talking on the phone than writing an email, ask clients or coworkers if you can return their email via a phone call instead, especially when instructions or other pertinent information is being exchanged.

  • Invest in High Quality Headphones: You love music, but you also don’t love the environmental distractions around you! Whether you work in an office or at home, sounds like phones ringing, doors shutting, or cars driving by can prove to be too distracting for Auditory learners. Invest in a good pair of headphones that let you enjoy your music, white noise, or instrumental songs as you concentrate on the tasks at hand.

  • Change up Seating: Changing where you sit may also aid in productivity and concentration. Try sitting away from a door or window so that you can focus without being distracted by your environment.

  • Try a Smart Pen: Finding a smart pen that records and digitizes your notes can help you retain pertinent information as you write and listen back later. Here’s a list of some of the top pens in 2019.

Are you an Auditory learner?

I’d love to connect and talk through more ways to incorporate your learning style into the organization and system behind your home or office space. Knowing yourself and your learning style is truly helpful in setting yourself up for success.

If you implement any of these ideas into your home or office, I’d love to hear how.

Stay tuned next month as I talk to Kinesthetic learners!

Talk to you then,

Kerry Thomas, Conquer the Chaos


© 2025 by Kerry Thomas Consulting, LLC.

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